Monday, November 12, 2007

My Experience in USA - Climbing the "Hollywood" Hill!

Hi! My most memorable experience was visiting Los Angeles and climbing up the "Hollywood" hill. I went there last year, in December, to vizit my friend Mark, a Peace Corps volunteer I met back in my home country. Mark has lived in LA for all of his life, but surprisingly, he jas never climbed up the Hollywood Hill;:
- "I can see it perfectly from down here", he would say:)
So, Tamara and I decided to convince him to go up there and see what it looks like from a closer view. Easier said than done - the climbing was much longer than we expected - it took us 3 hours to walk up to the sign, but it was worth it!

1 comment:

tkarakoz said...

Good job, Dani! Your blog is super, I am proud of you!